Wednesday 10 May 2017

Up Yer Sleeve / Initial Ideas

Initial ideas began by taking the research into the lyrics of the song, and applying them to potential concepts. A mindmap helps to visualise your thoughts and organise them into possibilities which can be developed. 

The idea of communicating sickness through the design was firstly appealing due to the raw emotions within the song, but I personally felt uncomfortable with this as Tom’s death was very upsetting, and it was felt that it shouldn’t be the focal point of the design. 

The song communicates a sense of nothingness, which could be explored through darkness, block colour or space.

The ideas that really stood out were ‘disintegration’ and ‘losing faith’, as it was felt that these could really be explored and communicated through abstract ideas and concepts to form a unique and impactful design that not only reflects Gone With The Wind but Architects as a band. 

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