Thursday 4 May 2017

Body Modification / Lee Hardy

Whilst on the train home from my internship in Bradford, I noticed a man stood next to me with his whole eyebrows covered in piercings. He had no other modifications, just piercings. I thought this would be a great opportunity to focus on just piercings, as a lot of images I have come across feature those with many tattoos as well as piercings.

When I got off the train I politely asked if he would be interested in being part of my publication, and he gave me permission to take a photo of his eyebrow. His name was Lee Hardy and we ended up having a very nice chat about piercings. This was a pretty chance meeting, and it was quite awkward to ask a stranger for a photo of their eyebrow but he seemed pretty relaxed and open about the project.

Lee's image in the final spread

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