Saturday 6 May 2017

Church of Satan / Websites / Christianity

Websites with information on Christianity were also beneficial to look into, as this religion often correlates with being ‘good’ and ‘pure’. Rethinking how the Church of Satan can still adopt it’s same content, but appear more friendly and pure in aesthetic, is the main aim for the project. 

In contrast to the Church of Satan website, the majority of Christian websites we visited had a dominant colour of white, associated with pureness and 'goodness'. The colour provides clearness and space, and looks more friendly and inviting. 

The fonts used are friendly, and are mainly round sans serif, or classic serifs, there is nothing too decorative about these websites, and most of them are quite modernised compared to Church of Satan, which can look quite archaic and outdated, again which will put people off initially. 

Most of the websites also have their own logo, providing a sense of reliability and professionalism. 

Through this research it is now clear on how to approach our brief in terms of applying treatments such as these websites to create a friendlier interface and identity which will engage a broader audience than the niche audience the Church of Satan already has, and prevent a lot of misunderstandings on what the Church is about. 

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