Saturday 6 May 2017

Church of Satan / Research / The Church

Research began by looking at the existing Church of Satan website and collateral and identifying the problem areas. This included the colour, logo and overall structure of the website. The identity of Church of Satan can immediately put people off by the harsh gothic details, and the focus on ‘Satan’ as a being, even though this is not included in their philosophy. Through this research we were able to identify the elements that needed adjusting in order to connect with a broader, younger audience.

Examples include the giant header image for the website, including the logo for Church of Satan. The logo is written in an art deco style font, with a baphomet as the logo. Immediately, this is 'satanic' symbolism which would put a lot of people off from going deeper into the website.

The dominant colour of the website is black, a colour commonly associated with dark arts and themes, which creates a sinister atmosphere for the user. 

The imagery is also very sinister looking, showing the Church of Satan's ritual sessions which makes them look much like a cult.

From this analysis, we should aim to break away from this darkness and produce a friendly and inviting identity which will make people think twice about the off putting name of the church.

The Satanic Bible was written by the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey. Again this has the same 'evil' feel to it and should be redesigned applying our new identity.

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