Friday 12 May 2017

Ceramics / Evaluation

This brief was self initiated, and intended to be a break from strictly ‘graphic design’ projects. The brief included the exploration and experimentation with ceramics, and their various methods including hand sculpting, casting moulds and using the wheel to produce different ceramic responses. The other half of the brief was a branding project, creating an identity for the ceramic whales as consumer products with relevant deliverables.

There were plenty of problems throughout the brief, the main one being that the ceramics continued to break, due to thinness around the tails and fins, and exploding clay in the kiln. However, even though a lot of the forms were unsuccessful, I managed to pick up a lot of new skills and experiences along the way, that would benefit my practice if I was to ever work with ceramics again. Working with clay was really natural and enjoyable for me, and took me outside the studio for a while. 

The branding side allowed me to visit a different aesthetic style which was suitable for the brief, and let me work in a more hands on way. 

Overall I really enjoyed working with a different discipline and combining this with graphic design - it’s definitely something I would want to expand on in the future. 

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