Thursday 4 May 2017

Metal Magazine / Promotional Material

Promo Video 

To generate hype on social media, I created a promotional video advertising the magazine. The aim was to be ambiguous, but succinctly communicate what the magazine is all about e.g it's contents - news, articles, interviews and reviews. The aggressive footage at the beginning builds the video up to it's climatic ending, and sets the scene for what the magazine is about. Follows the same guidelines as the rest of the collateral, utilising the same typefaces and colour scheme of grainy black and white footage and pink duotone.

Distribution would be on the magazine's twitter page, and on other social media sites such as instagram and facebook. To gain popularity and buzz, this can be shared by users around twitter/fb.


Would be placed around city centres, within concert venues (key club, o2, leeds beckett student union etc) and in nichey book stores (Village). Can also be posted online on social media. 

Social Media 



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