Friday 12 May 2017

Metal Magazine / Testing

I asked a few questions to peers relating to the aim of the brief, and whether this has been successful. 

Limatations to this study include asking only graphic design students within the class. Some may not be metal fans, it would be more effective to ask a focus group of just metal fans, maybe even some who do not do graphic design to see whether the design and content work. 

The results were extremely positive with 85% engaging with the magazine, albeit an ambiguous question, and also 100% of participants claiming that a metal magazine of this nature doesn't seem to exist. This is good news as I felt there was a gap for a magazine like this. I still haven't personally come across one, so this research shows that no one else has either.

The final question asks what is most effective in terms of appealing to the user. Colour was the highest score, which is understandable as the colour is the main feature which I feel creates the atmosphere and style of the magazine, and looks engaging and interesting.

Overall these results show a success within the project, in terms of appealing to a wider audience than kerrang or rock sound, and creating a new project with a USP which may not exist within the current realm of editorial products in the genre. 

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