Thursday 11 May 2017

Church of Satan / The Self Worship Campaign

The Self Worship campaign communicates the ideology that you are your own God - a notion that originates from LaVeyan atheistic Satanism. Satan is a symbol that encompasses what the religion stands for:

"The only "god" in LaVeyan Satanism is the Satanist himself. Satanism is a celebration of the self. It encourages people to seek their own truths, indulge in desires without fear of societal taboos, and perfect the self." source 

The campaign aims to promote positivity through the act of worshipping oneself. This acts as the umbrella term for methods of feeling powerful and loved by yourself; i.e self love, self confidence, self respect. The campaign displays the Satanist wearing a crown, which is the updated Church of Satan logo. The crown representing self importance, that you are the one in charge. 

This campaign is successful in comparison to the Church's current identity and approach, as it promotes the act of self worship as an attractive trait which benefits the individual, and does not scare them away with too much emphasis on the word Satan, or any 'evil' aesthetics. 

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