Friday 12 May 2017

Body Modification / Evaluation

This brief was my research brief. For this project I collated information on body modification techniques and heavily modded individuals. Extreme examples were contacted via email and Instagram, for example Jenya Bolotov, Zombie Boy and Erik Sprague (The Lizardman). This information was then translated into an editorial piece of design acting as an informative encyclopedia of body modification and heavily modified individuals. 

The brief mainly allowed me to expand on my communication skills. Getting in contact with well known individuals and communicating with them on the topic of body modification was rewarding and allowed my confidence to grow. I even ended up approaching a stranger on the train. These skills can be applied to graphic design as a whole, as I believe within the industry it is always beneficial to have the skill and confidence to talk to other creatives, you never know what may come of it. 

I found collating all the information quite difficult, as I chose to try and write the whole content for the book with the help from various sources. This could have been documented with more organisation before starting the design side. 

This brief was spread out across the whole of Extended Practice due to waiting for responses and basically dragging it out. I think if I could do this brief again I would concentrate on exploring it for a shorter period of time rather than just slowly developing it over the months. The benefits of this however was that I was very involved in the design, and feel it was produced to a high standard. 

Using different stock created a dynamic resolution which I felt pushed my production skills. I’m not incredibly hands on, and find binding and printing difficult to always get right. Although not perfect, the resolution looks fairly professional for the budget. If it was professionally printed the publication could have looked even more high quality. 

Overall I feel the brief is a success. It is informative and also designed in a way that will engage an audience and stand out on a shelf. 

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