Wednesday 3 May 2017

Lucy Whitehead / Construction Book


Lucy has asked me to create her final lookbook which can be used in the End of Year Show. This was intended to be completed for the module hand in, but due to complications in finishing all the outfits/photographing them on time, it would not be feasible to produce in time for my own module, and even so, could have been rushed due to only receiving the content days before hand in. Instead, I have used images of Lucy's construction process to create a 'teaser' or a 'prologue' before creating the final publication for the show, when there is more time to do it professionally.


Simplistic publication detailing the production of Lucy's graduate collection. Large numbers and white space to communicate the concept of boyish details combined with more delicate aspects. Photographs positioned sporadically, although utilising a 6x6 grid, the photos suggest a sense of incompleteness and can look quite messy and disorganised. Refers back to being in the early stages of the project were things are not finished.

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