Sunday 7 May 2017

Church of Satan / Primary Research

The first question showed the participant the 9 satanic statements, without the key word "satan". Without this, the phrases do not seem so off putting and hold quite a lot of logic. The participant is asked their first thoughts after reading these. 

It was interesting to see that people did agree with these statements, but they did not know where they stemmed from. 

The participants show that the majority would seek these statements in their everyday life, proving that the statements are fair and appealing. 

When asked what people know about the religion it is interesting to know that some may think Satanists worship the devil, when this is not the case at all. These are the attitudes that found through this research we aim to change. 

Many seem to have a negative opinion on Satanism which again is something this brief aims to tackle and change for the better. Satanism does not have to have such negative connotations because what it stands for is statements that anyone could make, logically. 

"Possibly but I wouldn't ever want to label myself as a Satanist" is particularly interesting, as this phrase obviously holds so much negative connotations, even though it preaches loving yourself and worshiping yourself, looking after 'you' and respecting other humans and animals. These are all qualities humans wish for. 

From the research we gathered that there is infact a lot of negativity surrounding the Church of Satan. Taking into consideration some of the comments, we made aims for the project. The project should focus on a positive campaign which can appeal and engage an audience, without mentioning the word 'Satan' until the end within a promotional video, and hardly mentioning it within other deliverables. Without using this name, it will not put anyone off initially.

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