Monday 1 May 2017

MON REGRET / Development

The publication was conceptually designed in the size of the average tabloid, to connote the invasive nature of newspapers, due to the personal and secretive content. Newspapers act as an outlet for others to read about dirty secrets and personal information, and similarly to this project, the publication acts as a platform for the information to become public. The only difference is that this is all anonymous.

I had to decide whether to pick and choose which regrets would go into the publication, or include them all. Personally I felt that picking and choosing would go against what I was trying to achieve, I wanted the publication to be inclusive alongside the website, and not miss anyone’s submission out. Certain shorter regrets have been translated into photographic images, which will also be placed within the publication alongside text. 

I began working with a 6x9 grid, which looked proportionate and even for setting out type. 

Firstly I tried experimenting with large type, to create the same impact as the website using Helvetica Bold for simplicity and legibility. I found that this looked too loud, as the size of the text within the composition clearly communicated this through lack of negative space. It was very claustrophobic. 

The smaller text I then worked with was much more appropriate as it conveyed the regrets almost as whispers, using 12pt text on such a large scale. The size of the type connotes a sense of guilt, as though the person is saying it quietly. The large amount of white space brings the type in to focus and allows for a lot of breathing space. 

Photos looked more dynamic isolated on their own spreads rather than mixing with other type regrets or photos. It gives the reader chance to take in what is happening in the image and creates more impact.

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