Thursday 11 May 2017

Church of Satan / Evaluation

The Church of Satan brief was a collaborative project conducted by myself and Jack Solomon. The brief was an extensive rebranding project, involving the creation of a new identity for the Church of Satan, the most public Satanic organisation originating from LaVeyan Satanism. Within this, a new campaign for the Church was also created. A variety of deliverables were produced, including a new identity (logo, icon), website, campaign video, t-shirt, bible redesign & campaign leaflet. In terms of responsibility, myself and Jack split the deliverables between our skills. Jack is digital based and enjoys working with those aspects, therefore he worked on the website. He also concerned himself with the posters. I am more print based, therefore I worked on the Bible redesign and leaflet. Due to a recent passion for video, I also edited the promotional video for the campaign. 
Creating the video increased my skill and competence within After Effects software and using video footage shot by myself and Jack. We asked two participants to speak about “Self Worship”, therefore the footage was our own, and came about organically. The project also resulted in my skills evolving within branding, and creating a resolution that was conceptually sound rather than just focusing entirely on stylistic areas. It was enjoyable to apply our identity to new deliverables, such as t-shirts, and see it come to life from paper. 

I felt this brief furthered my collaborative skills and time management, due to working with someone who has a great work ethic. This was rewarding to see the brief develop through hard work and perseverance, and through pushing ourselves to produce something professional and of a high standard. Professionally was an aspect we both felt strongly about, as the resolution would be for a large organisation. Considering the context and audience was also important to our final resolutions, developing aims for the project helped to direct us into a successful design which solved the brief. 

Problems included working within a short space of time on the video, and making use of the facilities that we could. During the filming process, students taking photos in the studio next to us were extremely loud, which disrupted our footage and also can be heard in the video. This could have been solved by using a soundproof room, or having a higher budget to produce a higher quality video. The backdrop also contained a large stain which could not be removed on the day of filming, but using intuition and a bit of editing, this problem was minimised. 

The most successful aspect of the brief was our time management, and our logo. The logo effectively resolves the brief by providing a new, current and inviting identity to the Church of Satan, which would attract a broader audience according to feedback. It was felt that all our deliverables for the brief were produced professionally and to a great quality. Overall it was an excellent project to work on, and did not pose any large problems throughout, successfully immersing me in new skills and approaches.

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