Thursday 11 May 2017

Up Yer Sleeve / Evaluation

The Up Yer Sleeve brief was a live brief conducted by Cameron Wolfe, who aimed to exhibit a selection of submissions of redesigned record sleeves by artists who have passed away, in place of Secret 7” who did not go ahead this year. 

The brief was very short and straightforward, and much like previous years of designing for Secret 7”, involved a lot of freedom to really create whatever you wanted. Due to receiving a song by Architects who are my favourite band, there was a lot of emotions for the song which helped me create resolutions with reference to lyrics and concept. 

Skills that were utilised were concept generation, and experimental abstract resolutions that fit with my personal design style. I felt that I produced something very ‘myself’ that could possibly be detected by looking at it. 

This brief took a lot less time than originally planned out, providing a refreshing journey to a fast resolution.  

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