Thursday 11 May 2017

Church of Satan / Feedback Research

With our finished resolution, I used twitter polls to ask a young demographic (the predominant audience who follow me) some questions.

I attached a photo of the finished identity and asked the following questions:

Then I attached the current church branding and asked the following questions:

Although the first question could be a little misconstrued (people may just think I'm asking them if they're interested in Satanism), this feedback is incredibly successful. From the poll shown, it tells us that with the rebranded identity we have produced, more people would be inclined to explore Satanism, rather than their current branding. The poll shows that with our identity, it is more friendly and approachable which is what we set out to do.

Although the identity may not appeal to a lot of people due to the name still, I feel this is still a success for the brief, and due to testing this, we now know this has completed our aims for the project.

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