Wednesday 10 May 2017

Up Yer Sleeve / Developments

For development two concepts from the initial ideas/lyrics were explored, since this brief is relatively short and sweet, it is good to expand on both avenues as much as possible to determine the correct and most effective resolution.  


Development began by exploring visual concepts of disintegration, i.e dust, fading. The lyric was distorted to also reflect the word. The feeling overall is one of loss, desperation and as though things are dissolving infront of you. 


This second concept was also developed. This lyric was very poignant, and reflects the feeling of losing one’s faith when something terrible happens, of course, this was related to Tom’s struggle with his illness, and the feeling of losing his faith in God. The idea was to communicate the symbol of God being broken, and lost, and also combining this with the same ‘disintegrating’ effect. 

The use of the colour purple refers to God himself, as this is regarded as a holy colour as found within research. It is the colour of trust and faith, and shown here it is becoming taken over by black, and broken up by the darkness.

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