Friday 14 April 2017

Live Brief / Pink Magazine / Audience

Pink Magazine is a publication which helps to challenge the content of existing 'teen' magazines, offering content which may be more relatable to readers of this demographic (young females), who have reported a lack of relatable content for young girls. A lot of existing magazines tend to feature a lot of beauty/fashion/general appearance related articles which in some instances can place a lot of extra pressure on girls, especially in the current social climate. Young girls need appropriate role models and useful content in the items they read, rather focusing heavily on improvements to their appearance. 

In Pink, there are articles on self care, how to spot abusive relationships, and support for LGBTQ+ individuals. Not only this, but Pink still includes more 'lighthearted' content such as fashion and beauty related reviews, cruelty free make up on a budget and a spring music playlist. 

This is especially beneficial to young girls as there is a good balance including something for everyone to enjoy and get help and advice from. In having the audience established early on into the brief, me and Charlotte ensured we crafted an appropriate identity for it which was not too obvious i.e rejection of all things stereotypically girly, but also  did not just adopt the same stylistic choices as many existing adolescent magazines. We come up with a bold identity for Pink that we felt was suitable for the brief. It is loud yet still predominantly feminine without going too far, which we felt would appeal to the target audience.

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