Tuesday 11 April 2017

MON REGRET / Audience

This is essentially an art project through the collation of community submission. The audience will be mainly millenials with social media and possibly a lot of angst or first heartache. The nature of the submissions seemed to come from adolescent girls because of how it was written, the context, the content, but this obviously may not be true as I cannot see who wrote them. Another indication of this was who interacted with it online - on Twitter, the main people who interact with me are young females. 

The audience I will be designing for is young millenials who can possibly relate to these regrets and find a sense of solace within them. Naturally I think this project will appeal more to women, as women stereotypically show more compassion and emotion than men. Less men may be less likely to open up, but with the anonymous feature, this could be a form of encouragement. 

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