Thursday 20 April 2017

MON REGRET / New Direction

To take full advantage of this brief being more of an 'art' piece and resolution, I wanted to push this further than just creating posters that all look the same.

Another idea I had was to create photography pieces representing certain regrets that have been submitted. I began brainstorming ways that I could feasibly depict the regrets within the time frame left on the module:

Some of the submissioned appeared to be taking the mick such as 'visiting this website' and 'wanking' but I thought that to honour how this project is lead by the user, I should try and depict both of these submissions. Other interesting ideas were writing on a mirror in lipstick and 'bloodstains', it is important to note how these depictions can create an effective mood. I usually find the most enjoyable art can make someone feel something, whether that is relating to the project, or feeling uncomfortable, or even angry - it is always best to create reaction.

Once the images have been created, I will then assess how to put them into a design resolution (ie. website, publication or posters).

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