Thursday 6 April 2017

Metal Magazine / Website / Analysis


The website strips back the cluttered aesthetic choices of existing metal magazine websites, offering a platform that is contemporary, engaging and current. It avoids the weathered look, and instead opts for a more minimal, sleek interface which is easy to use. It keeps the same pages such as news and subscription service, but again strips them back. The pages are less image heavy and just stick to relevant information. The pink ties in with the colour scheme of the publication, and connotes the volume and vibrancy of the music genre, without using heavy textures and too much black. Black is kept to minimum, whereas there is a large amount of white, maintaining a clean composition. All images are black and white, as full colour would likely clash with the fuschia pink, and it creates a balance. The website is successful in that it doesn't alienate the audience with unnecessary clutter as I found the other websites did. It also avoids being too gender specific and appeals to both genders through colour choice and layout. The extended typeface demonstrates how updated the magazine is, and is a loud and dramatic font, again communicating the heart of metal music.


I then asked Jack and Charlotte what they thought of this magazine, to see the difference and whether it is successful as an extension of my publication. 

How does this website make you feel?

J: Curious!

C: Excited to see more, looks very vibrant and cool.

Does this website appeal to you more than Kerrang! or Metal Hammer?

J: Yes, the layout is more clear. I understand what’s going on more.

C: Yes it looks more inclusive and open in it's design.

Generally this feedback is great news in that the website has been a success in what I wanted to achieve, creating an accessible space for metal fans which does not alienate my demographic and is engaging and current. 

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