Tuesday 11 April 2017

MON REGRET / Problem, Solution and Concept

Problem & Solution 

We often hold onto unpleasant memories and feelings and just live with them. Our busy lives don't let us truly reflect things, and don't give us time to forgive ourselves for mistakes we may have made. The problem is some people can bottle things up and not let go.

The solution is a community based art project where a person can submit something they regret, in order to finally let go of any negative feelings or guilt that they've been holding onto. It lets them reflect on it as they type it out and press send. The information collected is then made into a design/art resolution. In participating in a project like this, the submitter feels part of something. 

The concept:

The project will be titled 'MON REGRET', french for 'my regret' - french is a language of love, and sounds much softer on the tongue. A lot of regret stems from relationships and love and I felt this name communicated the art project suitably, and also was easy to translate and understand; its not too obscure or needs an explanation. Entries are submitted online, anonymously, where the person can freely let go of something without judgement. 

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