Tuesday 25 April 2017

Metal Magazine / Risograph Samples

One of the print methods available that can achieve the fluorescent pink colour I would need is risograph printing. Searching online and also asking James in the print room for any local services, I came across Footprinters, Footprint Workers co-op, which specialise in risograph printing:

Above is the colours and shades that Footprinters can achieve, from deep colours such as black and blue to bright pink and yellow. The nature of some of their inks is fluorescent, which is what I want to achieve within my magazine. I emailed Footprinters to see if I could get a sample of how the pink and black inks look:

I sent over an example of a spread that has pink and black on each side to see how they look together.

The colours where really pigmented, the pink was vivid, and the black was jet black, however a problem I discovered was that the ink easily came off onto fingers:

Because I was aiming for a professional looking finish, unfortunately risograph printing isn't the best option and most suitable for the brief. A more appropriate printing method is digital/litho, which would help me to achieve the standard I want, alongside finishes such as gloss and perfect bind.

Risograph, however, is incredibly appealing for more DIY / independent type briefs which may require achieving the said ink without worrying too much about professional standards. Due to it being cost effective, the print does look less refined than the samples from Pressision. Because of this, Presssion seem like the most suitable service providers for the job, even if it is much more costly, in order to achieve what I am wanting to out of the brief, a professional, contemporary rock and metal publication.

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