Tuesday 11 April 2017

MON REGRET / The Unsent Project

The Unsent Project is an art project conducted by Rora Blue, where members of the public fill out a form online, with the name of their first love and a text message they wish they'd sent them. They also pick a colour from a chart to associate with their first love. 

Because it is anonymous, this meant people could write exactly how they were feeling without the fear of judgement or it being traced back to them. I think people are more likely to supply heartfelt information when this is the setting. This project is really inspiring and I really like the basis of the individual submitting something personal without them having to reveal who they are. I'm sure this was therapeutic, and I'd like to create a similar feeling of relief in my own project. 

These are sorted into colour on her website on the Unsent Project's Archive, and also printed for exhibition.

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