Thursday 27 April 2017

Metal Magazine / Local Bands / Interview 02

From seeing my post on various facebook groups related to hardcore music, James from the band The Disconnect messaged me showing an interest in being part of the magazine. I emailed him some brief questions:

Unfortunately The Disconnect were not very reliable with replying to me, so I sourced another band named Glass Harbour. This required me to think on my feet as the situation with The Disconnect put me in a stressful position. Robert from Glass Harbour however was extremely friendly and helpful, efficiently sending me answers to the interview questions the same night:

"Where are you guys from? We’re from around Middlesbrough and Newcastle, we all live dotted around the North East pretty much. How long has Glass Harbour been going? A little over two and a half years which has flown by like, mind it only started to get kicked into gear about 8 months after being an active band though to be honest! What are your influences? We have a massive range of influences which effect us musically and as people, but i’d say bands like While She Sleeps, Hundredth and The Ghost Inside, bands of that sort, have a direct influence on our music, but there’d be a huge list if i were to name every band that influences! What are your goals for the future? Tour tour and tour pretty much! And we should we really finish up our new record as well! But yeah, touring wherever we can really, we’re aiming to get into Europe as soon as possible as well!"

Additionally, Robert also told me he was a graphic designer and this lead to talking about the subject a little bit too, and forming connections in that aspect as well.

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