Saturday 29 April 2017

Live Brief / Pink Magazine / Evaluation

Pink Magazine was another brief which allowed me to work with another member of the class whom I am very comfortable with and feel I can work with efficiently. Both I and Charlotte have previously worked together without any problems and I felt in this instance it was exactly the same. We managed our time and responsibility well, by splitting the content between us. This was good experience in terms of setting guidelines and both sticking to them.

Time constraints were only an issue due to the client. Charlotte and I feel as though the project ran smoothly on our end when we had the relevant content to work with and was not waiting on receiving more of it. In all honesty, it appeared that there was  poor team management on the clients end, and unavoidable circumstances which did push back the completion of the brief. Communicating with the client was extremely important for this brief, as we needed to know when content would arrive for us. I feel as though this is an aspect I have improved upon through this brief.

The project was enjoyable to produce, but on reflection it is debatable that the design choices for this brief were easily communicated. The logo aimed to reflect that the publication challenged current stereotypes and existing teen publications, and we felt a more masculine colour could be a cliche. We could not avoid this as it was the client who created the content and wanted pink to be the dominant colour.

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