Saturday 29 April 2017

Lucy Whitehead / Research / Client

Although given a clear direction from the client, something I have learned within my practice is to do research. To understand Lucy as a client I must take the time to research her as a designer and a creative. As a result the resolution should reflect her and her work as a whole.

Looking at Lucy's current work and knowing that she specialises in menswear fashion, the cards need to reflect this whilst also reflecting her as a person - i.e not overly masculine yet not feminine as to put off any clients. Luckily I feel as though work I produce is predominantly gender neutral, which will be useful for this brief in particular. Having an interest in menswear myself, I naturally understood what the collection was trying to achieve both stylistically and conceptually, and with Lucy also articulating the aim of the project, I felt I had a sound visual for the designs I would produce for the brief.

Lucy's work effectively combines hardy stereotypically 'masculine' elements such as leather and metal chains/links. This is then paired with more 'feminine' structures such as skirts, pink and silk materials. I wanted to also combine this within the design resolutions as I feel as though this encapsulates Lucy as a designer. 

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