Saturday 15 April 2017

Ceramics / Branding / Website

Homepage and navigation burger bar, easy to follow access for the user, no clutter, clean and spacious design.

About page, again very calm colours and simplistic design.

Each purchase helps real life belugas giving the users the incentive to buy. Makes them feel good and they get a very charming ceramic beluga for themselves.

Contact information, easy to read, no clutter and mess. Shows where the shop is very simply. 

The best page - the page about the beloogas that can be bought. There are two characters who are friends (again another incentive to buy so they're not separated...), named after pastas, called Spaghetti and Lasagne. I thought these were good names as I personally really love pasta and I'm pretty sure most people do. They're also very cute names. They both have different looks and personalities for example Spaghetti is quite agile and long, and Lasagne is more squishy and short. 

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