Sunday 30 April 2017

Ceramics / Product Range & Distribution

The Product is a fully branded set of ceramic beluga whales. They will be made out of stoneware clay and each hand crafted. The idea of selling bespoke ceramic is definitely more appealing to myself and others because of it's personal quality which corresponds with the branding for the project. 

There are two characters, Lasagne and Spaghetti, who each have their own personality and appearance unique to that beluga. They wear party hats and appear to have blusher on which gives the project its own individual identity. The branding entails logo, used on a variety of collateral e.g tags, website, bag, and advertising. The branding adopts a hand rendered feel just like the belugas themselves. The name of the brand is 'The Beloogas', and in full, 'The Beloogas: ceramics by Lo'. Putting the creator in the name makes it even more personal and special, for example Lush - they attach a sticker that says who made your soap at what time. 


The belugas will be sold in the shop/studio, and will be available online globally. One shop makes them feel more special than having them sold in chains and various outlet stores, but this could be debated later down the line if their popularity grew. 
Online, the belugas can be bought and information on them such as character profiles and the Belooga Trust is available. The online aspect allows easy access from any location. The Beloogas are intended to be a bespoke and niche product not suitable for mass production, and part of their USP is that they are unique and one of a kind. 

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