Sunday 9 April 2017

Metal Magazine / Product


A publication including metal news, articles, reviews and features which challenges the current aesthetics of metal magazines, and offers a current, contemporary alternative appealing to the demographic of adults aged 20-40. Pushing boundaries of layout in terms of design, and advertising itself as an all inclusive space for metal fans to have their say and stay up to date with current affairs within the music genre. Readers can submit their own writing work to be published within the magazine. 


Punchy, vibrant and up to date in terms of graphic design trends and form. Utilises bold colour and extended capitalised typefaces to connote volume without becoming too overfacing to the audience. Black and white film grain images, communicating the more personal and 'zine'-like side, combined with duotone fuschia images which create a more refined high end appearance. Combined together creates the right balance of a personal, interactive platform, and the high end contemporary slant on metal publications; giving it a unique selling point. Death metal style illegible logo combined with refined layouts and compositions again show the roots of the magazine yet also demonstrate how it is challenging existing layouts in other publications. 

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