Saturday 29 April 2017

Lucy Whitehead / Business Cards / Development

Beginning with a very simple and fast version of the chain to get a feel for the idea before refinement. Utilising pantone colours supplied to me from Lucy. All of these colours together are complimentary and also match the collection, but also can be easily changed in the future. 

Sketched out version of chains, looks more personal and relaxed as the last version was more rigid and flat. 

Expansion of chains, and also trying out a landscape version. Chains separate initials and create balance. White background adds breathing space and creates contrast. 

'Menswear designer' taking full focus in a different hierarchy. Experimenting with outlined type at a much larger size as to bring more attention to the designer rather than the chain detail. These take a back seat. 

After a few comments from peers, it was suggested that the chains could 'frame' the cards, to match the layout of the information on previous developments. I liked this idea but felt it did not communicate as well when it was done, and looked a bit too decorative and 'frilly'.


Further Developments 

Now that foiling has been discussed, I felt this was a good route for the design as it will separate the chain and type further. Lucy liked the idea of the chain and so I felt I should develop this more as currently it is quite imperfect and sketchy. I felt a smoother more refined chain could be an improvement. 

I also asked about colour choices:

So the next step was refining the chain and experimenting with different colour combinations. It was great to have hit the nail on the head with the concept this early on in the project. 


Final developments

Using dusky pink as requested, with white chain and 'silver foil'. 

Lucy liked the design which was really rewarding as it was definitely an enjoyable process and was not long winded. 

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