Thursday 30 March 2017

Metal Magazines / Limitations

Chosen Colour Palette

Since I have chosen to use a bright pink, which stylistically and conceptually makes sense and works well, it has limited me due to it being difficult to achieve this colour without either paying a lot of money for litho printing or Pressision to print, or looking more on the 'zine' side and printing by risoprint. Since the aim of the publication is to look professional, I would have to research and look at samples of both to firmly decide which is worth it. 

External Content 

To create a successful magazine, there needs to be content from other sources, i.e writers, reviewers, photography. I wanted to try and involve a lot of people who are interested in the topic and would feel confident writing. Unfortunately, this lead to a lot of limitations such as articles not being sent, or not being sent on time, which is obviously out of control sometimes, limiting me on how much I can include in the publication, and slowing down the process a lot. However, on a positive note, this also lead to a lot of great content I've been able to include in the magazine.


I aimed to create something I'm extremely proud of, and so I knew this brief would probably take the longest out of most of the ones I have been planning. I'm obviously not a magazine manager but I've had to try and adopt that role to the best I can to produce something high quality, functioning and a resolution to the problem I have addressed within the brief.

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