Monday 13 March 2017

Metal Magazine / Pressision Samples

Since a limitation will be the choice of colour, I needed to assess the options around getting the publication printed outside of university, due to limitations with printing inks. At Pressision I had heard they are able to achieve fluorescent inks, so emailed to discuss pricing and if they are able to print a colour I need. I sent a few spreads for reference.

Following on from this, I was sent samples in the post of the fluro ink available for printing at Pressision.

As can be seen above there are obviously different shades of pink ink, printed over the top of white ink to open up the option of printing this on darker stocks. For what I will be needing it for is mainly fluorescent duotone image.

This seems like a great option for the production of the magazine, however, costing will be the main limitation for this. Being a student, it is very likely I won't have the disposible income to print with Presission, depending on the price, since it is A4 and has around 70-100 pages.

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