Monday 6 March 2017

EYOS / Developments

When we was working as a four, these where the ideas that me and Charlotte put forward:

The concept for these ideas included the notion of 'old and new' combined. The sculptures used in this moodboard reflected the 'grand' aspect of "lo and behold", whilst the red overlay treatments brought it to life and into a more contemporary avenue. Utilising a blackletter typeface and a clear, bold sans serif created an engaging and interesting juxtaposition. 

Modern, interesting and creates an engaging setting for an important exhibition. Looks contemporary and reflects 'art' as a whole. 

What sculptures/art pieces would be involved as they would have to be created for the whole branding rather than using famous sculptures?
TOO contemporary and would it be alienating to use such an intricate blackletter? 

Charlotte's concept included the idea of a spotlight, showing a focus point and a bold serif.

Impactful, bold. Draws an audience in. Communicates a focus point and the idea of a spotlight.

Needs developing further as it is simplistic at this stage.

When the group consisted of just me and Charlotte, we chose to combine our two ideas and named the identity 'Behold'. The idea was to communicate how our college will take center stage, as the focus is the student's work. The EYOS is everyone's chance to show their exceptional work, therefore the branding should reflect this. A spotlight is often associated with a show/theatre, so this tied in well to the exhibition. The name Behold represents the 'grand' aspect, reflecting the quality of student work all over the college in various departments.

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