Friday 31 March 2017

Metal Magazine / Local Bands / Interview

I asked Total War to answer a few questions for a small feature within the local upcoming bands section of my magazine, which they were happy to do.

Where are you guys from?
3/4 of us are from Bradford, so we class as a Bradford based band. Even tho Bradford has literally no Hardcore scene, so whenever we play live shows its always elsewhere. 

How long has Total War been going?
We have been a band for about a year and a half now, but we only really started playing shows and doing practices till summer last year, which is when we played our first show at the Parish with Guilt Trip.

What are your influences? 
If i am been honest, none of us really have infulences which give us our sound. We all have the bands we listen to, but when we are in the process of writing songs, we try be as diverse as possible.

What are your plans for the future?
Our short term goals are to keep playing as many shows as we can, and have our second release, released next year, and after that, we are hoping to do a UK tour and try grow as much as we can.

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