Monday 24 October 2016

Body Modification / World of Suspension

"A Native American tribe called the Mandan first practiced suspension as a tradition marking the transition from boyhood to manhood. Tribe elders used handmade hooks to pierce the skin, then lifted the boys into the air using ropes. They'd hang like this, often for days. Those who could survive the ritual officially became men." (source)

It is interesting how a practice that is originally a tradition in another culture, can become an extreme activity that is now carried out in various locations in the West. For example the shop I have visited back home in Blackburn, Hex Piercing, has suspension events which gives individuals the opportunity to experience it.

I got in contact with Laura from Hex, to enquire whether I could take photos as my own primary research at the next event. Although I could find images online, this gives me the opportunity to record qualitative data that can give me a better insight into this activity, and provide a more personal account. 

She agreed that although there is no events coming up soon, she would keep me updated for the next one.

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