Tuesday 4 October 2016

Body modification / Brief


The world of body modification has multiple semantics and reasonings attached, and not everyone understands why someone would wish to ink their body or split their tongue in half. There is also a rich history of modifying the body which can be related to tribes or religious ideologies. Throughout this brief, you must research into this phenomenon that has become a very integral part of modern society especially in Western civilisations. Produce a piece of graphic design which articulates and compiles this information in order to inform and educate others, and change perspectives on body modification.

Background / Considerations:

How will this research be collated, and will there be participation from individuals who can give an insight into their opinions on modification? How will this information be presented? It will be crucial to consider tone of voice throughout, and be aware of how people will be portrayed - it is important that the response is positive and sends a beneficial message to the audience.

Target Audience:

This must be considered throughout the process of this brief. The target audience will be a range of adults between 18 - 40 years old, however appealing to those even older would be more challenging yet rewarding as it is usually older individuals who may not have the most positive outlooks.


This brief must be completed within 4 months.

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