Monday 10 October 2016

Body Modification / Participants

Isobel Varley

I asked my friend who is currently working as a tattoo apprentice in Burnley if she knew of anyone who has been extremely modified, in order to ask some questions for the publication. She did say that her boss was good friends with the UK's most tattooed woman who unfortunately passed away last year. She sent me some images that could be useful for the publication which will need permission to use.

The Lizardman

I found the Lizardman's website and since he is one of the most famous cases of extreme body modification, I sent an email to him requesting an answer to a question regarding modification. If he was to reply this would add credibility to the material I am collating.


I'm a third year graphic design student studying at Leeds College of Art, and I'm currently undertaking a project which addresses extreme body modification in western culture, bringing a positive light on the subject. I want to add quotes and interviews within the publication, and would love to feature a quote by you.

The question is "what does modification mean to you", this can be a quick or long answer, and it would be excellent if you could reply."

Sacred Electric

Sacred Electric is a tattoo studio in Leeds centre which I have visited myself previously. The art that is featured within their flash relates to the name 'sacred', and frequently includes tibetan and religious inspired designs. I emailed the studio to enquire whether artists who work there would be interested in answering some questions and letting me take a few photographs within the store whilst it's running.

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