Thursday 20 October 2016

Creative Networks / Brief

This brief is a live opportunity from the CCE team of Creative Networks. It entails the production of all the promotional material for high profile events within College for 16/17. Due to the high profile speakers who will partake in the program alongside many individuals who will be attending from a diverse range of locations, this brief seemed like a great opportunity to get work seen. 

The first stage of the brief is to determine who will be working with the team to produce the promotional material. Briefed by Joshua Edgington, those who will be completing this brief must produce two A3 posters which demonstrate their idea, and/or a moving image if desired. This will give an idea of how the materials would look, and determine whether the team like the idea or not. 

It was suggested that teams of 3/4 would be the most effective for the brief, and so I teamed up with Jack Solomon and Rhys Jones. We all have different specialisms to offer which provides a great group dynamic; Jack is highly competent with digital promotion, After Effects/moving image and considering the experience of the user / audience, whereas Rhys has skills in concept, branding and also offers an academic outlook. I have skills within print output, working strongly with poster and editorial design. We are also good friends and so this creates a relaxing and convenient setting to work.


The plan is to now begin to solve the brief by generating concepts and ideas which are appropriate, and then reconvene and discuss narrowing down our ideas to one focused concept which we can then develop further. We will also research into past Creative Networks promotional material to gauge what was successful with other entries. 

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