Thursday 3 November 2016

Body Modifications / Crit

Presenting my ideas for this brief to the class helped me gain appropriate feedback from peers within the group, which in turn will shape my project and aid its development. 

Although the amount of physical design work was not extensive, I communicated ideas I planned to achieve and also research I have already conducted. I began this as my first brief for extended practice as I was under the impression it would take a long time to complete due to the nature of collating primary research and contacting individuals from around the world. Gaining a substantial amount of my own content will take time but eventually be rewarding. This was communicated during the crit. 

Issues raised:

- Perhaps it would be better to use images of 'normal' people rather than attractive/'cool' model-esque individuals especially on the cover. Something to think about - do I want the project to appeal to this demographic or become a more relatable piece of design to the masses?

- How will the publication be distributed?

- What is the aim of the piece of design, will it be an archive or a piece of design which aims to challenge people's opinions and change them?

Action to be taken:

- Continue contacting interesting individuals.

- Go in more 'normal' tattoo/piercing establishments, for example in Blackpool,  to capture a more realistic setting for those who choose to modify themselves.

- Could capture these individuals doing 'normal' things such as eating an ice cream. 

- Attend a tattoo convention for more of my own primary research and qualitative data.

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