Wednesday 30 November 2016

Body Modification / Binding Ideas

I began to think of ideas on how to bind the publication.

Japanese Stab Stitch 

Japanese binding is a classic method with an exposed stitch and spine. From exposing the stitching, and showing where the stock has been pierced, following on from the theme of the publication. Reflecting how the individuals' modifications are visable from the outside. It also represents piercings due to the 'stab stitch' nature of the bind. 

Problems with this are the margin. It's not ideal to leave a massive margin and could interfere with some of the spreads. It will also take experimentation before stitching the real product. 

Staple / Saddle stitch

This one is simple to achieve however due to the publication being around 56 pages, the middle of the booklet could look too open and have a gap. I would have to ensure that folding is tight when producing the book. 

However it is simple and easy to produce/reproduce fast. Stable and conceptual to the theme of metal/piercings if using staples. 

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