Tuesday 6 December 2016

Metal Magazine / Demographic

The target audience will range from 20-30 years of age, as these are the key age ranges which interact with metal publications, as shown from research into Kerrang!'s marketing. It is good to be inclusive however the magazine will most likely showcase a youthful vibe instead of the timeless classic rock look, which could put off the older side of the spectrum. The magazine should be current, appealing to the younger demographic through the choice of content such as age of bands and how relevant they are in this day. Younger individuals are more likely to be 'attached' to bands and want to read about them, which also prompts a younger audience who will interact with a magazine. 

Millenials are the target market, especially those with an eye for what is current design wise, but this is not essential. The magazine needs to exude confidence, youth and volume, and be unapologetically itself just like it would encourage it's audience to be. 

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