Friday 16 December 2016

Body Modification / Concept

The title of the publication needed to be strong and create an impact. Initially, one word titles were explored such as “Alt”, “Modified” and “Transformed”, however in the end the most appropriate title was “Flesh & Bone”. 

Flesh & Bone represents everyone, as we are all the same bodies and skeletons. It reflects that although the external circumstances may change, we still all remain the same. The term Flesh & Bone acts as a dynamic and honest title that gets down to the nitty gritty and represents the raw human form. The publication features people, individuals, so this needed to be a fundamental aspect of the title and aesthetic. 

This concept also influences the design decisions of the publication, by basing the overall structure of the book on the body. There are red inserts representing the core and the blood/flesh in the centre of the book which acts as a separate entity within the publication. The white stock and greyscale images represent the bones of the body, and the skeleton which holds us up. These pages surround the red stock ‘core’, and support it in the same way a skeleton does. 

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