Tuesday 17 January 2017

Metal Magazine / Existing Magazines / The Problem & Solution



The problem I have identified, is that there is not a main stream magazine which contends with the likes of Kerrang!, Rock Sound or Metal Hammer, which does not adopt the same cluttered treatments. There are no magazines of this nature that is more minimally designed. When browsing these magazines, the clutter on the cover and inside spreads puts me off immediately. This may be to do with the fact that I enjoy a more pleasing composition to the eye, however I cannot be the only one.

Although these magazines have relevant content in relation to metal/rock music, they all have one thing in common - they look the same. The front covers are full to the brim with colour, full bleed imagery, type and banners. They adopt the same 'grunge' treatment, which obviously does communicate the genre of rock/metal and adds to the chaotic aesthetic, however I wonder how a metal magazine would look stripped back, but in keeping with the same content?

Would this still appeal to the demographic that purchases these existing magazines, or would it have a new audience range altogether, becoming more of a 'design-centred' niche magazine? This is something through research and exploration I will aim to find out.


A contemporary metal magazine which invites anyone who enjoys the genre to interact with. Abandoning all that metal publications are, stylistically, and doing something different to attract a new audience who may not enjoy the current publications out there due to their cluttered and out dated nature. Create a magazine which pushes boundaries and looks 'cool', dynamic and engaging. Give the audience more of a voice. 

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