Tuesday 17 January 2017

Metal Magazine / Emails

Since social media is a great way to distribute information quickly, and pretty much anyone in the demographic is active on it, I posted on several facebook groups about an opportunity to feature in an alternative publication. The response I got was much better than anticipated, with multiple bands confirming their interest in the project and asking for more details.

This shows how local bands depend on any exposure, although I am just one person doing a publication, the end result will be to try and get the resolution out there, whether that be free newsprint version to start off with, finally leading to a glossy professional piece.

Unfortunately, some of the bands did not fit the criteria I had in mind. I want the publication to feature mainly bands on the hardcore scene, also rock/metal bands but not particuarly bands which I personally do not think would match the demographic of the magazine, for instance 'stoner metal' or an older style metal genre. The publication will be aimed at younger individuals in the alternative scene. 

Messages have been replied to, since I got these emails during the time I was completing context of practice, I told the bands I was interested in that I would contact  them around February concerning this.

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