Wednesday 25 January 2017

Body Modification / Research / Design

Alongside the research content-wise, it was also important to research into influential designs which correlate with the concept and feel for the publication. 

Examples included utilising only type to create ambiguity and interest, allowing the publication to stand out on a shelf. This keeps the audience guessing what the content is, and perhaps would make them more inclined to pick it up and see. 

The use of one conceptual colour throughout is an appealing idea to create a strong visual identity and consistency. 

Experimenting with stock such as tracing paper or acetate could create a dynamic reading experience which is slightly different from the normal book. However, the concept should always be considered.

From research, it was established that the book should explore interesting uses of type, colour and stock choices to create a professional and interesting publication to match the engaging content. A plain publication would effect the content and not be appropriate, as body modification is a very vast weird and wonderful industry which needs to be reflected in the production and design choices throughout. 

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