Monday 30 January 2017

Ceramics / The Brief


During Context of Practice, I began to experiment with facilities such as the ceramics room, and using materials. I wanted to translate this into a fun and different brief from my usual style, and try something new and refreshing. 

Create and brand a set of ceramic beluga whales, including relevant deliverables. Make people smile.


Consider who the audience will be and how this will effect the tone of voice. The brief can take many avenues and it is up to the designer to decide how to brand these products. Experiment with a selection of techniques and materials to find the most effective method of creating the belugas. 

Similarly to Haribo, this brief is for childish adults. The branding should reflect this, and look very childish and quirky, avoiding a tacky feel. Belugas should look very cute and fun for this niche market.


Ceramic beluga whales
Other relevant collateral


Design blogs
Design boards 


4 Months 


I have loved beluga whales for as long as I can remember. Although my favourite animals consist of mainly sealife, belugas have the crown as my favourite animals in the world. From the production of my COP 03 ceramic project, I discovered how much I enjoyed being in the ceramics room, and problem solving. From this discovery I knew that I would like to undertake a more ceramics focused brief for Extended Practice, with more room to be lighthearted and not as stressed and serious.

At the heart of it, beluga whales make me happy - which was enough basis to form a brief. The idea was to create a range of ceramic beluga whales, which will help me gain experience and skill within the art of ceramics, and let me create something fun and enjoyable. It would increase my knowledge and understanding of the subject, as I have only briefly used the ceramic facilities, and I wish to become more familiar with it. The resolutions would hypothetically make other people happy if they were available for sale, which will demonstrate longevity and consideration for what it can become in the future. Since the belugas will be crafted myself, there is room for error, which will involve the use of problem analysis, critical awareness and utilising skills to overcome issues within the production.

Target audience will need to be considered in order to produce a resolution that is not entirely self indulgent. Adequate research into existing ceramic artists and collections will be necessary to make informed decisions, and gain a wider knowledge of artists in context.

Overall I plan to enjoy completing the brief, as that was the driving force for writing it, and hopefully this will be prevalent in my final outcomes and various deliverables.

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