Wednesday 1 February 2017

Ceramics / 'Problem' & Solution

In a world full of pain, war and a man with a last name that means fart running the most powerful country in the world it's hard to stay positive. This brief was created for the simple reason of making others smile, making myself smile and forget about everyday stresses for a moment. I also wanted to complete a brief which included ceramics because of how much I enjoyed it during the COP module. I wanted to take a moment to tune out from 'graphic design' and have fun making things with my hands, that can then be made into a graphic design brief as a product. So, back to spreading happiness —I sat and assessed what made me smile a lot and I concluded that this was beluga whales. They are the most brilliant animals, and in my opinion, are a bit under rated outside of hell, woops I mean Seaworld. Everyone I have ever struck up a conversation with about belugas has always ended up declaring their love for them or cracked a smile (usually because I force photos of them on anyone who will look). 

The solution to all this was to create a charming set of ceramic beluga whales which will help spread a little bit of joy to all who encounter them. I also will aim to include a charity that helps belugas and preserves them naturally, such as part of the 'profit' hypothetically made, going to this charity. 

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